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Old 05-06-2009, 11:50 AM
emluper emluper is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 497
Default Re: Venue SC48 and Pro Tools LE


I would still go after the SC48 versus an M7CL. The audio quality of the SC48 matches that of the entire Venue line, which cannot be said about the Yamaha products. What Live Sound is trying to deal with is that the FWx functionality comes from the 002 - 003 line which is locked in at 18 channels of recording. In order to introduce ProTools capability quickly they used an available interface, why reinvent the wheel right?

I believe that it would be worth it to wait for Digi to deal with the 18 channel limit and have a console that you WILL be ecstatic over, than to go in another direction because you can't currently record more than 18 channels.

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