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Old 12-01-2020, 04:10 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
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Posts: 19,657
Default Re: Pro Tools Carbon Latency Problem

Chris is posting multiple questions on DUC about his early experience with Carbon. And I believe have multiple support tickets open. Few other people have them. The concerning issue here is where is Avid support? (in the general sense, not just customer support folks). With Chris having several reasonable seeming issues/questions why is somebody knowledgeable from Avid not just picking up the phone and sorting this all out, or helping out here online (like other product line folks do very effectively).

To me poor Avid support is among the largest concerns with Carbon, and so far based on one user on DUC do not look good. It maybe worth noting that some of the helpful support for MTRX on DUC come from DAD staff. And sure hopefully many other folks are running happily and not popping up here...

DUC is just a small view into Avid customer activities, but for an interesting new product why is there not a DUC forum area for Carbon? I cannot work out how a product team would not want that and would not want to be following up directly with new users.
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