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Old 07-02-1998, 02:38 AM
MCCY MCCY is offline
Join Date: Dec 1969
Posts: 45
Default Re: Question to Digidesign

To say it in a polite way :
It's hard to know that there is nothing to know - or wanted to be known by the company that should know ANY-thing about the timing of such an issue
- at least SOME-thing. It has to be possible - that has something to do with being POLITE too - to give an answer to a question that is so UNSPECIFIC. Just to give a timeframe that sais that a product is planned to be released in the next year - or in the next two years - or ten years - sorry I'm getting impolite - should be possible and NECASSARY.
I have to work with that product and I have spend a lot of time and money in that (as everybody at the AM3 W95 site).

Digidesign : PLEASE think about the way you treat us (the users of AM3 on W95) ! Is this polite ? Don't think just about the formally correctness of answers you give us.
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