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Old 10-01-2020, 02:44 AM
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Default Re: MTRX Studio and DANTE virtual sound card

Hi Doug,

Thanks for the screendumps, that definitely gave some clues. I think you forgot to upload the Network Status tab but hopefully we can get it sorted out anyway.

First thing I suggest you try is to set one of the MTRX Studio to sync to Dante instead of Word clock. I am 99.99% sure that will solve the problem.

If that does solve the problem, then have a look at the D21m which is your Dante clock master and make sure it is actually locked to the house clock. I suspect that this is not locked to the house clock. The indication of "External Sync" in Dante Controller only means the Dante interface receives its clock from the device it is installed in, and not that the device itself is sync'ed to an external clock.

And finally I strongly recommend that you uncheck the "Preferred Master" for the device named Artist-Node-1-Bay-5. This device is not set to "External sync" so if it gets elected as clock master then your whole Dante network will be running on its own clock and not locked to the house clock.

Let me know how it goes.

Best regards,
Jan Lykke
Business Development Manager
DAD - Digital Audio Denmark
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