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Old 03-20-2023, 02:08 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
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Default Re: Delay Compensation Limit woes

And then somebody bringing a session into a high-end HDX studio rig will have things failing that worked on their home rig with a 2i2 interface and Pro Tools Intro. Not sure Avid would live with that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But yes I agree it's increasingly silly/embarrassing that HDX with all it's limitations is the flagship. Oh well that is innovator's dilemma.

For many of us it's not a problem as we can keep very high latency plugins on the main outputs. If you are using Pro Tools and it's a problem for you maybe switch DAWs, you can likely do that much faster than I expect Avid to ship a new generation of HDX with possibly larger delay comp., or for you to convince Avid they should break limits with HDX--folks have asked for this for around a decade already and it ain't happened.

And if you are using H/W inserts or possibly otherwise seeing odd 2K or 4K additional latency and stuff just not lining up that may be related to a known bug. (which might help blow the 16k delay comp limit). Try disabling LLM if that is suspected of happening.
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