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Old 11-22-2019, 06:34 AM
spookybuk spookybuk is offline
Join Date: Jul 2018
Location: Brazil
Posts: 4
Default Re: Pro Tools 12 and Rode NT-USB Microphone? (Help)

"USB microphones are a pretty poor, inflexible choice for people wanting to do serious work"

What you actually mean is that "Pro Tools and Windows" are a "pretty poor, inflexible choice for people wanting to do serious work", right?

Because I just bought a Roland Hansonic and it also cannot be used as an USB input.

This isn't only about USB mics, but rather USB inputs.

USB is the universal standard for digital connectivity and I don't think questioning the quality of the current USB mics as any kind of substitute for being able to use USB devices on Pro Tools in 2019.

Even if the USB mic was the worst possible equipment, we should still be able to use them. The fact that this hasn't been solved so far has nothing to do with the quality of USB mic.
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