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Old 12-02-2022, 05:25 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
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Default Re: Pro Tools 2022.10 not opening

A not uncommon cause of bouncing apps is macOS gatekeeper trying to reach Apple's de-authorization servers. Typically when users have messed up networking/routing/gateways so that the Mac thinks it's connected to the Internet but is not actually able to reach (or maybe anywhere). Next time you have bouncing app problems, test the connectivity with:

$ ping

And seeing that those servers respond to the ping. Or fail fairly quickly with an error like no route to host/no network.

You can also physically disconnect your Mac from all networks (Wifi, Wired Ethernet etc.) and that will stop macOS gatekeeper trying to reach the servers.

I have no idea why that Avid KB article does not contain any mention of this not-uncommon cause of these problems, but several of us have mentioned it on DUC multiple times before.
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