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Old 10-15-2002, 03:11 PM
michaelwalker michaelwalker is offline
Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Posts: 2
Default Burning CD\'s, bits of music layered where they don\'t belong

This problem is totally random and appears in two different applications. In Toast, many CD's will burn perfectly. Then randomly, a CD will have a track or many tracks were bits of the song are placed in other, nearby areas of the song where they don't belong. It's not the same bit repeating, but different bits. These bits then re-occur where they should be, so it's not moving them, but copying them. Using the plug in Speed, by wave mechanics, i work in fifty minute, continuous mono files. The program will process the files up to the last few minutes. Then the computer freezes and when i re-boot, the new files are intact until the last few minutes, where bits of music have been copied from near by, and again layered over other areas of the song. Sometimes the beat remains the same; other times the beat is distorted.
I work on a G4, 466, 512 memory, 9.2.2 OS, with a second hard drive for the music.
No one i talk to has ever heard of this problem. Help!
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