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Old 05-18-2006, 10:51 AM
stevegries stevegries is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 8
Default Re: Pro Tools Ed in NYC

Thanks, Froyo.

No, I'm not interested in people telling me, "take a Pro Tools course and you'll be the engineering master of the universe." People on pro audio users groups ask questions like "what's better the Avalon 737 or the UA 6176" all the time. Invariably, people respond with, "go to Guitar Center and use your ears." Perfectly valid advice. Unfortunately, there's no way to A/B these classes as the tuition is non-refundable after the classes have begun.

So again, I am not asking "what should I do?"....rather I'm saying, I'm pretty committed to getting instruction on Pro Tools during the next two months (which does not presuppose that I'll never take a general audio engineering class), does anyone have experience with the extension classes in Pro Tools at the New School or NYU in New York City, and if so, did you feel that the experience was worth the time and money?

For the record, I recently took a class in Max/MSP/Jitter at Harvestworks in New York. Having previously spent many hours with the Cycling 74 tutorials, I'll say that the class was worth every penny because the instructor was clear, comprehensive, and well versed in his subject matter. There's always more than one way to skin a cat - some are just more efficient than others.

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