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Old 04-02-2003, 09:30 AM
froyo froyo is offline
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Default Re: If I "Remove Unused Regions" after "Consolidate", track won\'t play?

Hello. Cyclist I see a couple of things which may be happening here. First, if Track 1 and 2 are grouped, making one inactive will make all inactive I believe. As was pointed out before, if they are both assigned to the same voice, you will only hear one, the one on top (left in the Mix window).

Consolidating. What it does is it creates a new 'whole' file to disk. You will see it bold in your regions bin. However, you are correct that if you clear unused regions they will, clear, be removed. In the dialog box that comes up you can choose to remove them from the sessions or delete them completely. When clearing unused regions always use 'unused regions except whole files'. After that, if there are other whole files not being used, you can pick and choose what to do with those.

Mark Reis, consolidating regions does not in any way shape or form destroy or delete other audio files. Let's say you do 5 takes of a V/O for a commercial called V/O 1, V/O 2, etc. You create the commercial from regions from all 5 files. Once the keeper take is done you choose consolidate. A new file is created, to disk, with the regions you choose from the different takes, in effect the keeper take. However, no audio files are deleted or destroyed in any way shape or form. I wasn't clear from your second sentence if that's what you were saying. Any way, just clearing that up.

El biciclista, it's very possible when you cleared unused regions you may have removed actual audio files. Consolidate is a very powerful tool, but you have to be careful not to shoot yourself in the foot. Good luck!
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