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Old 10-31-2019, 02:06 PM
TornadoTed TornadoTed is offline
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Default Re: Drag and drop AAX sampler

Originally Posted by Jon_Atkinson View Post
Not out of the timeline it isn't unfortunately.

Also, it doesn't play spread across the keyboard, nor is it polyphonic (for a single sample)... Not sure if the OP was looking for that (or that's just my reading of his post, given that he mentioned sound design)

Battery is great, and as you say is drag and drop (from the finder), but if you're recording audio in the timeline and want to manipulate it and play back using a keyboard then it's not the right tool.

I do exactly what the OP is talking about, and use Ableton for this (Simpler is really great for this kind of sound design)
I've been round the houses trying everything.... I've used pretty much every soft sampler out there (except the new TAL one which I've heard is great by the way).... Even got a Yamaha A4000 to try, and often use my OP1 for similar....

Ableton and Simpler, ReWired into PT is where I'm currently at...

Such a shame that support for developing Structure fell by the wayside. It could have been great for this.
That's a really interesting solution. I did a tiny bit of research on Ableton rewired to Pro Tools when I was considering ditching Cubase but read that Ableton was 'crippled' when used as a Rewire slave and couldn't host VST's. I didn't consider that the inbuilt Simpler would work as I assumed that was a VST instrument.
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