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Old 11-25-2021, 12:57 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
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Default Re: New PT Prefs helper

Originally Posted by Pete Gates View Post
Yes, I basically agree on the UI, it "grew" rather than was "designed". It's scary at first for people and not intuitive. I'm thinking how to best simplify it, I'm not sure the buttons are needed at all tbh, just the checkboxes then the trash button. It also doesn't really need the scrolling log file at the bottom, that's off-putting to people that aren't used to a command line. I think the best thing is to save log files and have a button to take you to the log files for more technically minded people like you.

Plugin version checking... yup, agree with this. Some of it is going to be harder than other bits though. I'll investigate.

I get the pain with UIs that evolve. Been there with commercial products, getting early versions of VMware products easy to use was interesting. Maybe it's good to go hard to the simple to use way as you say. Just have one button to trash prefs/databases. *always* backup all the files you can and put them in a running list of backups/snapshots/save points (just timestamped folders in a directory). And for clarity maybe that should be a "Save Prefs and Trash" or "Backup Prefs and Trash" button.

Then everything else to do with prefs could be begin an "advanced" or "expert" tab. Ability there to trash individual files, make backups without trashing etc. Maybe there is a "recover prefs" gives the user a list of dates/timestamps to recover from (and maybe give an option to delete backups permanently). I don't know how important backup/recovery is to folks, I hardly ever use it. And this could get messy quick say if it allows restoration of individual files. But I like the idea of creating rolling backups of pref files without a choice and as you say maybe hard stuff is punted to the (expert) user. Since I love VMware Fusion/Workstation snapshots that type of simplicity in the UI for a pretty complex thing would be a neat goal.
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