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Old 03-07-2010, 06:25 AM
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Default Re: compatibility between G5 and intel...

Originally Posted by Dism View Post
Is it just the one session, then?

If so, it sounds like some serious corruption. I'd try using ISD again, and start only by importing audio. If that works, try importing plugin settings seperately. Worse comes to worse, you might have to manually input some plugin settings. I would really analyze your plugins, and make sure they are EXACTLY the same versions on both computers.

If bringing in audio by itself won't work... there could be a corrupt audio file that just doesn't want to convert. This does seem like a pretty strange problem, even if there is corruption involved.
it's on about 3 of my sessions that it happens... I was starting to think it was a plug issue, but then it should let me import the audio...

the sessions run flawlessly on my MBP so I can still do what I need to, it's just odd...
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