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Old 10-05-2010, 09:07 AM
soundarchitect soundarchitect is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 13
Default Re: Please add auto show file overwrite when adding/saving/editing snapshots!

I think this feature would add a lot of risk to the file management. I believe it's good the way it is, because it forces the operator to think about saving stuff.

The history function is great because it will bring you back to anywhere before large or important changes to the desk. If you would use any form of autosave if will overwrite your session every time without knowing. Where to go back to when everything fails? It is then better to have saved something you know you saved (and backed up) yourself than going to something the desk saved for you.

File management has become a serious part of our job. And anyone using the desk should be aware of the great functionality of the history and above all responisible for thier own files!

Kind regards,
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