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Old 07-13-2022, 12:28 AM
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ink well ink well is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Posts: 1
Default Re: Pro Tools quits unexpectedly while loading plug-ins on launch (PT-206888)

You're probably here because you trashed your PT preferences in bulk and when PT opened for the first time after it had to initialize then load so many plug-ins, that it has troubles and hangs. It's not due to any specific plug-in. Doesn't matter what version of PT or what OS, this works.

Here's what you do. Move ALL your plugins to the Plug-in (Unused) folder or create a new temporary unused one. Then open PT. It'll open pretty quick. Quit it. Then move about 75 plugins at a time back into the Plug-ins folder, each time opening and closing PT. If you have a lot of plug-ins you will have to repeat this process a few times. Took me about 30 minutes with about 400 plugins.
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