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Old 07-21-2021, 05:30 AM
Zergei72 Zergei72 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Salo, Finland
Posts: 84
Default EASY WAY OF : Quantizing Live Drums

I'm in the situation, that I need a simple way of quantizing my drums .

They are all tracked to a click track ...
but as I'm not a so called pro drummer there are flaws in my playing .

I have recorded the drums in two to four bar takes, but they are still not dead tight . As a matter of fact they need lots of editing / quantizing .

Now, if anyone would share their methods (Basic or Advanced) of doing this .

I'm still quite a newbie with Pro Tools though I've been using it for years, but I've only scratched the surface .

E.g. What is the Beat Detective ?

I know I should look @ YouTube, but I thought I'd ask people around here first .

- Z -
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