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Old 09-28-2022, 03:24 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
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Default Re: How does PT know that someone else is working w/ my session?

No turning off the option won't help you. That is not how this works. Pro Tools is always looking for lock files in that directory.

Go and actually look in those directory, find the lock file, delete them. That error message just comes from the content in the lock file, so you can always just look in the lock file to tell you who the user was, their computer name, IP and MAC address (it's a partially binary file, just run strings on the file). So you can always triangulate back to who was using the Pro Tools when the session was improperly copied.

One thing these lock files are good for is to have any provisioning or backup programs check for them and warn if they exist/maybe retry what the script was doing etc.

Last edited by Darryl Ramm; 09-28-2022 at 04:43 PM.
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