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Old 11-16-2020, 02:43 AM
simon.a.billington simon.a.billington is offline
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Australia
Posts: 950
Default Re: Black Friday 2020 Deals 💲💲💲

Originally Posted by JCBigler View Post
Yeah I don't really understand what that is. It sounds like you get a year long subscription with the new Carbon and then it just stays at whatever the last version you had was when the subscription runs out.
Here in Australia our exchange rates are not ideal. So I find myself spending 25% more for US products, 33% more for European products and 50% more for British products.... give or take. On top of that the government has instigated a new Sales Tax that we MUST also pay on top for international purchases, that's another 10%

Everyone's working multiple jobs because the government created some loopholes that discourages most from employing full-time. They don't care, because they make increased taxes from us from our additional jobs. Only for most of that money to go to corporate welfare and raping the planet in a time of climate change.

We really get screwed over here. The only saving grace is I'm not alone here.

Last edited by simon.a.billington; 11-20-2020 at 04:38 AM.
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