Thread: Mezzo/PT5?
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Old 04-01-2000, 08:13 PM
Eric Bazilian Eric Bazilian is offline
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: St. Davids, PA, USA
Posts: 209
Default Mezzo/PT5?

Yeah, I finally took the 5.0 plunge...gotta say, the new screen hurts my eyes, even after I got rid of all the extraneous bells and whistles (like, WHY did they have to replace those tidy little region separations with these big ol' black lines...makes my beautiful waveforms all but disappear...likewise making the region names big and bold everywhere...), and will now bite the bullet and re-learn all those little chores that have become automatic. Kind of like driving in England in an American car...and with the gas and clutch pedal reversed...or some such.

Anyway, the Q. is this...I've heard nast reports regarding some sort of an incompatibility with Mezzo. Is this just with OS9/G4, or is it with PT 5?

Curious minds want to know...

Eric Bazilian/Dingbat Sound
"Music Is Good"
First the Ecstacy....then the Laundry
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