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Old 11-10-2021, 02:44 PM
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Southsidemusic Southsidemusic is offline
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Stockholm - Sweden
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Default Re: Q regarding how to connect TC Clarity M

I need talk to someone as we always use Mon L/R on the tracks so if i want all tracks we use do we now need to run all the tracks in adat out but where as we use a master and it i Mon l/R and all this is totally over my head. How does this work!? Are both our Carbon broken as we have lots of so gs we have placed to big artists and do i need to set ALL tracks to adat but where and how do they get to masterL/R?

Mind you we Never used adat or spdif we produce great songs you hear on the radio and never had to Screw around like this before we swapped our apollos to carbon so I need to have someone explain this really simple/
Best Regards

South Side Music Group
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