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Old 02-23-2011, 12:45 PM
legasafe legasafe is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 83
Default MXF Workflow Help!

Hi all,

At my previous place our workflow would be to bump up any client supplied QTs to tape and then ingest into Pro Tools as MXF.

I'm now running somewhat off of my own back and as such don't have access to digibeta decks or the like. I figure there must be a tapeless workflow for this scenario, however I'm quite lost at the moment. I understand that an MXF is simply a wrapper for certain codecs, I've tried using episode pro to convert received QTs into all different codec flavours from IMX to DVPal and still can't get anything to agree with Pro Tools.

What exactly does Pro Tools want to see so it can work swimmingly and scrub tightly with my Mojo hardware? I've toyed with the idea of getting an Avid MC in, I gather that would be able to export the files I need with minimal hassle? I am however intrigued as to if there are any other possibilities...

If anyone has suggestions as to a workflow for creating these sorts of files, or in face anything I could do to improve my life at the moment it would be much, MUCH appreciated!

Last edited by legasafe; 07-25-2018 at 12:02 PM.
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