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Old 06-16-2021, 07:13 AM
garret garret is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Ireland
Posts: 612
Default Panpositions flipping on S4 Master module


Weird one here. In my local options I have Pan as the "function and knob page selected on attention change" and EQ for the backup.
When I am on a mono track everything works as expected and the front panner appears on the bottom right encoder on the master module.
If I then click on a 7.1 track (which has no panner) it switches to showing the eq on that track. So far so normal!
Now if I then click back on my original mono track the front panner now appears on the bottom left encoder of the master module! Basically a mirror flip.
If I then click on say a VCA and then click back to my track it will be correct again.
It feels like a bug to me. Any ideas? I can provide a video if you like


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