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Old 08-31-2021, 08:38 AM
melodydetective melodydetective is offline
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 123
Default Re: MIDI in 2021 and BEYOND

Scripting for MIDI would be great. (Rule-based compensation for different instrument articulation delays would be amazing, so the ability to create these would take PT to a plane above.) Brand-agnostic plug-in editing support incorporated into a completely customizable interface usable in an extra touch screen or tablet would be great too, but since dense MIDI slows down operation so much, the demands of an addition like this might best be left to an external app.

But at the very least, customizable transformation presets would be great.

Articulation management would be great too - though there are ways around not having it directly. But it would speed things up greatly.

Slowdowns of editing should be optimized. Big virtual orchestra sessions get fairly slow.

How about a more robust dual-buffer system, where a selected VI track gets its own tiny very low latency buffer and everything else gets a bigger one? Why isn’t this universal yet?

And maybe this was just me - but I’d like it if it hadn’t been necessary to use Video Slave to sync to picture because the video giant that puts Pro Tools out didn’t have a stable solution for me.

I got through near 50 episodes of heavy animation virtual orchestra score in Pro Tools, so it can be done. Many things I like about how PT does things - there is very little in the system that encourages writing in a certain way, which is a plus to me.
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