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Old 08-09-2022, 07:26 PM
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Default Re: Put Your Money Where Your Mix Is - Extra RAM?

Originally Posted by Eric Lambert View Post
Isn't that the amount of RAM reserved for audio files? It decreases seek time by loading them into memory, but a higher cache won't improve CPU functionality or latency. Or maybe this functionality has changed recently?
I may be barking up the wrong tree, but my feeling is that anything that eases strain on any part of the processing is worth trying. And, its not that Disk Cache decreases seek time; it loads audio into RAM so audio streaming is much faster than streaming off a hard drive. Will it make a difference? I'm not sure. Is it worth trying? It is if it makes a difference BTW, to the best of my knowledge, the setting of "Normal" is actually no Disk Cache and 64GB of RAM is plenty to at least experiment with(I only have 32GB of RAM and set my Disk Cache to 5GB).

Another thing that could help a lot is to commit VI tracks that have resource hog VI plugins. 1 such plugin that sounds awesome is KeyScape(specifically, the Yamaha C7), but a single instance will drag my rig down pretty bad. My solution is to flesh out the midi with MiniGrand. When the performance is all good, I switch to KeyScape and commit it.
HP Z4 workstation, Mbox Studio

The better I drink, the more I mix

BTW, my name is Dave, but most people call me.........................Dave
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