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Old 08-04-2006, 02:48 AM
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Chris Lambrechts Chris Lambrechts is offline
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Default Re: User tips for D command & D control

7.2 and beyond :

Jog wheel enhancements

There quite a few :

- zooming / navigating / moving floating windows with the wheel , even moving / nudging faders / banks can be done with the jog wheel now.

BUT .... the BEST part is the velocity behavior change.

Pre 7.2 , once you got into a certain zoom level, the wheel became virtually unusable because it would react too sensitive. Alternatively, if you zoomed out too much you would have to turn the wheel endlesly and the cursor would hardly move. The velocity of the wheel was fixed.

NOW ... in 7.2 it is linked to the zoom level / edit window length ... and no matter what zoom you're in, it will allways react the same.

For example : no matter what zoom level you're in, and probably depending on your screen resolution, 5 - 6 complete turns of the wheel will cover the entire edit window distance. This is absolutely great because combined with the zoom wheel enhancement you can now within a split second switch from covering a large distance in time, to sample accurate wheel movement and the wheel velocity willf eel the same at all times.

Try it .... wheel functionality increased with at least 5000 % since this release.

Even trimming regions is now more usable. It can be linked to whatever grid setting you're in etc ... and the combination with track selection follows edit functionality which was allready in there now makes the controllers editing possibilities so much better.
Chris Lambrechts
Applications Specialist- Live Sound
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