Thread: Too Many Tracks
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Old 06-02-2021, 05:04 PM
Sardi Sardi is offline
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Default Too Many Tracks

Right, but that’s just outlining the total number of simultaneous tracks. Even clicking on the ‘learn about voices’ simply clarifies how many simultaneous voices can be played.

In the past, if you exceeded that number, you made certain tracks/voices inactive and it free’d them up so that you could add more tracks. As pointed out above by Reml@P, that is no longer the case. If you try to add one more track after you have 128 already in your session, it won’t allow you to add it, regardless if one or more of the other tracks are inactive.

This was not how it behaved in the past and what I’m trying to figure out is if this was a deliberate change in functionality or a bug.

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