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Old 06-09-1999, 03:42 PM
noisefloor noisefloor is offline
Join Date: Jan 1999
Posts: 202
Default Re: NT / MAC Cross Platform File Services

Hmmmm. I guess Apple doesn't think it's a priority to support sd2 files via their plugin. Really, they should just for completeness sake, but I can see why they've blown it off - when was the last time you were browsing the web and the server tried to send you an sd2 file? They do support the file format in quicktime player on the mac side.

I would imagine their reason for not putting it in the plugin would be to discourage anyone from using sd2 on a website. As far as I know, windows boxes are unable to play back sd2 files since the header info is in a mac-proprietary fork. I guess if there aren't any plugins that will play sd2 files in a mac browser (and I'd imagine there's probably some obscure one somewhere), you could always set your browser to have an app play the files. For searching/importing/converting, have you checked out Samplesearch by gallery? And here's a silly question: why are you using an NT server - wouldn't it be easier to connect to one running MacOS or OSX?

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