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Old 12-19-2003, 06:29 AM
Bender Bender is offline
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Posts: 1,160
Default Re: Next generation Mbox request

First off I do not use an Mbox. It is way to limiting for my needs but I can see why some people would want to be able to use LE with just a laptop.

With all the time spent getting our rooms set up correctly so our mixes translate well to other places I can not see doing any serious mixing with headphones. I could see doing rough mixes though.

I can see using it to write with rewire and Live or Reason.

So then Why Not?

I think Digi looks at the needs and requests of their customers and that along with the fact that they want absolute protection against piracy is how they will make their decision.

As much as this has been discussed on the forum (and it has) I'm pretty sure that the total number of request is a very tiny percentage of total units of LE sold.
Thats not to say all the LE users would not want it.
I bet I know a hundred guys who never monitor of the DUC.

Also, PT as a writing software is relatively new. Before Rewire PT was pretty much useless as a writing tool. (that has never been their focus). Everybody I know that comes in the studios I work at that is serious about using a computer to write uses Logic or others.
But that has all changed with Rewire, Reason and live and all the soft stuff available.

So after all that said I would say it is more than likely this will be an option in our future.
I know when I go on vacation (holiday) I would like to have the option. Until then I'll write in Reason and Live and Rewire them when I get home.
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