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Old 05-03-2013, 09:13 AM
Halfmoon Halfmoon is offline
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: California
Posts: 80
Default Re: Artist Mix SEL button doesn't work

SEL key is working here on my MC Mix w/ PT.
Does anything else work from your Artist Mix - faders, banking, or the Shift-layer Transport commands, Solo/Mute(On)?
Here are instrux for running the unit in Test mode (one way to check that faders and switches have basic functionality):
To access Test mode for Faders and Switches:
1. Make sure the unit is powered off.
2. Hold <PAGE+PAGE>+NUDGE>+the left SHIFT key while pressing POWER to power the unit on. The faders begin to travel from lowest to highest positions and back. LEDs flash on/off. You can press any switch to see its name on the channel displays.
** ** **
Let us know if any of the other Mix functions are working w/ PT, and if any SEL switches appear unresponsive in Test mode. MIght be a defective unit, but it could be something else (the whole unit or some of it might be "locked" to a different application - EuControl Settings > Assign page).

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