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Old 03-22-2017, 05:50 AM
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Andy Gone Andy Gone is offline
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Default Re: The Waves Renaissance Plugins

Originally Posted by Augusta Global View Post
That was my thinking for the past decade, but how many conversations go like this:

Person 1) Have you upgrading to the latest version?

Person 2) No, I'm still on X.X

Person 1) Dude, you gotta have the newest version, you can (insert feature).

Person 2) I have no need for (insert feature... let's say freezing a track), I need TDM latency.

Person 1) Good lord, you are still on that ancient technology?

Then Person 2 feels like ass/ashamed because they can't freeze a track and blah blah like the cool kids.

This all goes back to hanging with the cool kids!
Haha! this is funny but not exactly what we are talking about. E. g. a lot of top notch engineers are still using ancient technology of analog consoles :)

Well, seriously, I think this is also about knowing your tools in and out when you use them for years and know how to get great results. This does not mean you should not (also) use more modern technology. In the end the result is what matters, not the tools.
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