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Old 06-23-2009, 03:55 PM
meech meech is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 290
Post A couple of PT8 interface bugs

I went to Digi's bug report form but right now that isn't working (and displays information for the website developer for debugging purposes ), so i thought I owuld ask if these bugs happen to other people.

Ever since PT8 there have been a few small things. The first probably isn't technically a bug, but whenever I open a session, the track list of the mix window is open, no matter how the session was previously saved. Does this happen to everyone else? It used to stay however I saved it (I always close it).

Similarly, whenever I launch PT, the system usage window is expanded, and I have to manually collapse it. It doesn't remember how I had it when I last quit pro tools, like it used to with 7.x.

The second bug is that if I save a session and close it while zoom toggled, when I reopen the session the grid values are blank, and it behaves as if in slip mode. I have to manually reset the grid values for both zoom toggled and non zoom toggled views.

Finally, when I delete a track and I'm in wide mix view, the left pan display of all my stereo tracks invert their color, black numbers against green instead of green numbers against black. It may be the right channel display, I can't remember and I don't know the exact formula to recreate it (but it happens all the time). Switching to narrow mix view and back fixes the bug.

So, I'm going to report these to Digi when their site is working ... does anyone else have these issues? It's happened to me since PT8 came out, on a ppc G5 with Mac OS 10.5.5, and it's still happening on a Mac Pro with 10.5.7
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