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Old 11-14-2010, 05:39 AM
Denny Jagard Denny Jagard is offline
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 47
Default Re: Plug-in noise issue questions using 2.8.5

Hi Sheldon. I'm currently set for 8 EQs. Not actually using any of them for me, but the opener is, so I kept it on the same structure in case that helps reloading the console file between bands.

Had an exciting time yesterday, everything seemed to be working fine, did the kick line check in the house, then all other instruments in the headphones. Band started... no guitars.... the Waves EQ I had in the guitars subgroup was not passing audio (I figured out later). Routed them to the stereo bus and carried on... luckily the band has a sense of humor that the computer must have wanted to hear a bass solo.

Today I may try clearing the console and or reloading plug ins. Most of the plugs were loaded for me by Clair... don't know if my version will be any better or worse.

But it seems most problems can be isolated to Waves Q10 or Q4 EQ plug in.
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