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Old 10-17-2021, 05:44 AM
dickymoore dickymoore is offline
Join Date: Oct 2021
Location: 28 Churchways Avenue
Posts: 2
Default Continue looping timeline selection during playback editing


One of my working methods is to loop a couple of bars and make midi adjustments while it's looping.

Usually I do this by making a midi selection, which creates a selection in the timeline as I have "link timeline and edit selection" enabled, then hit play, and make the adjustments while it's looping.

However, during the looping playback, whenever I select MIDI notes, the loop selection is lost and playback continues without looping.

I imagine that this is probably expected behavior, seeing as "link timeline and edit selection" is enabled, but it used to be the case that the loop would continue until I stopped playback.

Is there a setting I've disabled accidentally which controls this behavior? How can I have the loop continue despite me making edits to the MIDI, and without disabling "link timeline and edit selection"?

Version 2020.12.0
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