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Old 03-20-2022, 10:22 AM
GroovnD313 GroovnD313 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 43
Default Re: More Carbon Sync Issues...Must Get Solved...

I can confirm that this issue actually has nothing to do with Carbon as it's the Hybrid Engine itself. I have a Carbon and I've experienced all of these issues as well. I used a HDX system with HD i/o's at a studio last night, turned on the hybrid engine for presumably the first time (the assistant said) to use my dsp record chain template cutting vocals. Sure enough when I played back a track that was just recorded on a dsp enabled record track it was way out of sync. So there you have it. I use all the work arounds with mixed results but mainly dragging the clip down to an adjacent track when the artist is in the booth and wants to hear it cause man do they freak out when that thing plays back out of time.....
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