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Old 03-20-2006, 04:16 AM
Iain Graham Iain Graham is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Posts: 183
Default Talkback Dim and Control Room Outs?

Does anyone else find the the amount of dim applied to the control room outputs a bit excessive? I find it hard to hear the talent when I've got the talkback engaged. Of course I can just crank the output up while I've got the switch down, but that's a pain within intself, and I usually forget to turn it back down when I roll again.

In the D-Command manual, it seems to say that changing the dim level for the talkback mic affects the control room outs as well. I didn't seem to get anywhere trying that though. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

We've started setting up a listenback mic, but finding the time to finish off seting it up may be tough. I'm not sure if the dim would affect the listenback mic anyways???

Really, I'm wondering if there's a way round it til I get some maintenance time to get the listenback mic set up.

Anyone got any input?


myspace . com / iain _ graham
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