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Old 10-19-2004, 08:05 PM
Paul Cavins Paul Cavins is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Cincinnati
Posts: 328
Default Re: Comping takes in LE

The cool thing about playlists is that they are "stacked up" on top of each other. So when I come to a line in the "master" take that I need to replace, I just highlight it and go hunting in the other playlists for a replacement. All of the takes are stacked up time-wise, so there is no dragging left or right, just highlight on the phrase, copy, then change to the master playlist (area is still highlighted) and paste the phrase in the master playlist.

I also use the "duplicate playlist" choice in the drop-down menu before I consolidate the resulting segments from a comp. That way I have a safety of the old playlist if I want to go back.

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