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STUDIO-DE-ARIEL 05-03-2002 04:06 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Roy

I have a 74 strat i got in 76 for christmas from Dad its worth its weight in Gold to me i played a custom shop really nice strat the other day. so nice in fact it was decorated with a diamond
I brought my strat in to compare. it was sold but mine was much sweeter Somthing about the 70 s is just so cool (I took my strat home prouder than en expectant father.). the trans ams the stereos etc. that guitar you were holding was Beautiful seriously. I revisited some stuff tonight on acoustic. Roy who did you play for?


STUDIO-DE-ARIEL 05-03-2002 04:36 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
BTW Roy what camera did you use for the photos ?

Where is that 5x paul now?

soundsurfr 05-03-2002 07:22 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

That is one fine looking family you've got. I'll e-mail you some pics of mine.

FYI, I have a custom Fender strat that I bought brand new in 1982. Love it. It's all white with gold hardware and a rosewood neck. I'm thinking of replacing the pickups with the hum-eliminating type because this thing makes a ton of noise, but I'm afraid of how it will affect my tone. (Heck, maybe it could be better?) Anybody have any experience with this?

Aussie169 05-03-2002 07:39 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

I've put 3 tracks up on da-bastard's site for the DUC CD. These are pretty much my first efforts and I'd love some opinions.... good and bad. I've still got heaps to learn so all advice greatfully recieved.

3 tracks by Mark Drury at http://basstardz.dhs.org/duc/MP3/


staylor 05-03-2002 08:13 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
What a Thread! I have enjoyed listening to everyone else. There is some great talent and Ideas in this group. I thought I would throw a couple out there for a listen.


Close Your Eyes.mp3 - This is a slow and simple melodic instrumental tune I threw together for a telephone background music project. All instruments on this one are by me.

Who I am.mp3 - This is my brother and I. My brother played everything but the lead guitar, I did that. He also performed the vocals. The guitars were recorded direct so they aren't as meaty as they should be. The drums were recorded with 57s through a 1604vlz. I didn't have a good kick mic, but it's ok. We had a lot of fun doing his project. My brothers band is called "Halfway"

Hope someone enjoys them.


Roy Howell 05-03-2002 10:07 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks about my family...I've definitely realize I've been blessed. I give thanks for my incredible blessings every time I pray.

One thing on those photos, please know that the photo of me at The Orpheum (long hair) is sometime in the 80's. Pete emailed me yesterday and said I looked like I was in Journey... [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
That Pete is such a card. But, anyway the photo with short hair is me these days.

I'd love to see your family too. Let me know...


p.s. I'm gonna listen to this new stuff as soon as I can give it the time and respect it deserves, hopefully tonight.

soundsurfr 05-03-2002 10:29 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Mark and Shawn - Just started listening to your stuff - I need to put some more time in. Here are my first reactions, tho...

Mark, I listed to the first song - the loungy, smooth jazz thing. I dig that kind of music, and you guys do a fine job. I was wishing there were drums, but it was good with just the lite percussion. Nice keyboard flourishes going on and good playing all around. If I put my producer's hat on, there were times when I thought there was a little too much "playing outside the lines" going on at once, but that can be a matter of preference. I can't comment on the mix yet, because I was wasn't listening through my studio monitors, but I'll get to that. I'll also check out the rest of your stuff later today.

Shawn, your brother sounds so much like Rob Thomas it's uncanny. That can be a good thing or a bad thing. I happen to love the way Rob Thomas sings, so I enjoyed listening to the song quite a bit, but the clone-factor might turn off some people. Cool little break in the middle there, and fine guitar work. I'll get to the other song later.

In the meantime, thanks both of you for submitting some great stuff. Keep it coming.

STUDIO-DE-ARIEL 05-03-2002 02:59 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

you know i felt that way about my strat.

but it depends on what amp you play through.

(I also took it in stating that there was a Ground problem they checked it out no problem)

for instance i took my strat the 74 three screw version to Guitar Center and played a mesa custom box with the brown tweed. And there was no noise. none!

on my deluxe reverb it sounds really noisey so i concluded that the amp seems to be a factor.

any way this amp was a tremelo triple rectofier i think if there is no such thing it cant be that but that seems right. man was it hot. When people Compliment you in the store you know you got somthing right. And i was in rare form. So as guitars vary amps do as well.

Golden tone For The Golden Duckets
Bring the money to us in buckets

See I am getting ready.

I think the Ducket was a Gold coin.


Roy Howell 05-03-2002 11:38 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Strat sounds nice man... On your pickups, if any of them (or all) hum noticeably, I would definitely go for some good 'anti hum' pickups, but I can't suggest what's out there right now. I would not think it would affect your sound negatively at all. If so, just take em back. I built my guitar with EMG's and they've been great from the getgo. They're in the same formation as your Strat, but the treble pickup is a Humbuckin (2-coil). The intent was to sound like either a Paul or a Strat when the need arises, which in it's own way, it does.
One thing Quikdraw alerted me to... I noticed when I'm near the PC and doing a guitar part, there's a hum sometimes, and I have to get back til it's gone. Well, when I was shopping monitors, Quikdraw was telling me that a normal CRT monitor(like most of us have) causes guitar hum. Yet, an LCD monitor does not(so he's considering LCD). So, I mention this just in case it might be a factor in your present hum prob. But, if it hums anyway, I'de go new.

By the way, I've been on a mandolin writing kick this week, and I can't wait to play you some of the stuff... love the mandolin, man... [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]


Aussie169 05-04-2002 01:43 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks for the initial comments. I really should give you some more info on these tracks. They are all from a CD (which is currently at a duplication house) which was funded by our local council and consists of local musicians with original material. The only track which I personally am on is "Unspoken Words" (drums), so although I welcome and will pass on any comments about the playing, I'm really after critiques on the actual recording and the mix.

A quick note about "Unspoken Words".... You'll notice that it is big and full. Heaps going on all the time. This is deliberate because is about the growing youth suicide problem in my district, and we wanted to portray the tension and confusion that must haunt suicide victims. An interesting note on this track is that the bass and violin parts are played by John Rees, who was Men At Work's bassist.

Thanks again


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