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skyking 05-14-2006 11:07 PM

Re: Work in Progress
heres a corny country/pop song i did awhile back....a friend of mine is playing drums


IntelDoc 05-16-2006 10:43 PM

Some DISCHORD stuff
So here is one that I have been working with for a little while now. Younger band, but some good ideas. Interesting stuff. Lots going on.

CRUSHED THE VOCALS through the distressor and got a pretty cool distorted sound.

SM-7B into the X73i into the Distressor.


Enjoy, more to come later.


Phil O'Keefe 05-17-2006 12:54 PM

Re: Some DISCHORD stuff
Hi Doc! I gave it a listen - very interesting stuff - certainly not your run of the mill pop tunes. I really liked it though. My first thoughts on the music were that it kinda reminded me a bit of Mr Bungle.


You know, I just realized that in all my time on the DUC, I've never posted any examples of my work, so here's a link to some stuff from a new band I'm producing, if anyone feels like checking them out. They're called "One Year Yesterday".


That's a link to a discussion about them over on my forum at Harmony-Central, and there's three songs up there. If anyone does give it a spin, feel free to comment either over there or over here, and thanks for listening.

q0rban 05-18-2006 01:07 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi everyone... I remember way back when this thread first opened, and I thought, maybe someday I'll have something to put up there.. well.. the day has arrived.. This is my first completed project using my 001 that I've had for 6 or 7 years.. All the songs are available for free download, so check them out by clicking here..

If you don't want to listen to all of them, I'll give you a few that I think will be people's favorites:
I welcome all constructive criticism...


superpenguin79 05-19-2006 01:30 PM

Re: Some DISCHORD stuff

So here is one that I have been working with for a little while now. Younger band, but some good ideas. Interesting stuff. Lots going on.

CRUSHED THE VOCALS through the distressor and got a pretty cool distorted sound.

SM-7B into the X73i into the Distressor.


Enjoy, more to come later.


Doc: seems like "trend music" for the style from these kids man, but the recording work is sweet! I dig the drum work especially on this track.

IntelDoc 05-20-2006 12:20 AM

Re: Some DISCHORD stuff
ya I agree and I had some issues to deal with. Can't get into it here, but..... anyways it is done. The band name changed and is now "Dash Dash Dash." All songs are up on my player now on my site. First 4 are the new ones and final ones.

Ended up steming everything out to my Apogee, into the API for summing and then bck to the API. Really gave it a nice analog feel I think. Did not HAMMER the mix in the master but allowed it to breath some.

Turned out pretty cool for the ability.


shipwrecked 05-23-2006 06:21 AM

Bouncy Break Based Beats with Guitars!!
Hi everyone,
If you like peeps like Mr Scruff, Bonobo, Luke Vibert etc then please take a few minutes to listen to my latest tuneage and let me know what you think...cheers!!!


Bo Shipwrecked

All was done on a 001 with pt 6.4 with the help of acid and wavelab.

groovilator 05-24-2006 12:39 AM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
hornedrum - I checked out Mellowship. Really dug it. Not really a big rap fan per se, but I get really jazzed when it's done musically (in the sound) and colorfully (in the words).
I downloaded the rest to check out later.
Very nice work!!

Roy Howell 05-24-2006 01:08 AM

Re: Work in Progress

heres a corny country/pop song i did awhile back....a friend of mine is playing drums


Chas...I can't get this file to play either on myspace or when I download it. Hmm...will try later.


rogerhavoc 05-24-2006 09:30 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Wedgewedge.. I dig your stuff very much!!!!! Very well done... I can see "listen" your stuff on the movies already...

Here is my stuff... Not as light as everybody else here. I did all the instruments and mixed as well, and a fellow DUCier did the Vocals.

Anger Management



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