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tempest18 06-22-2005 03:48 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Here are 2 brand new ones from my full band Almost Famous. Can you believe that I tracked everything on my MBox on these?!?! just kidding.... used a slightly higher end facility for these, but still did all the engineering and what not...



Hey Charlie,

I quite liked those tunes. Like I said, I'm a pop guy at heart but if the tune takes my fancy I'll listen with good ears

In Ransom I think the drums sound good. The vocals sound nice but I was missing a couple of backing vocals in there. Although thats just a matter of opinion. For my taste I would also crank the guitars up a little notch. The solo sounds fine just where it is.

I also like Complete. Its a nice happy drum beat with some nice rolling fills in there. I'd say the same with this tune as well, if it were my song I'd put the guitars a little higher but again this is totally a matter of opinion.


Chris Tempest

superpenguin79 06-22-2005 04:42 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Chris, yeah pretty much tracked these lock stock and rock in about a 6 hour day and they are a bit raw yet. Good call on the backing vocals for Ransom. I agree on the guitars, was thinking about adding another layer to them to phatten them up just a bit also, but were in a hurry that day to get through the production from start to finish on the two tracks being it wasn't our room and gear that we were playing with...

what do you guys think of the cowbell solo at the 1:40 mark in Ransom? The drummer we were working with had some amazing percussion idea's and suggested putting in a rolling cowbell solo behind the break down at that point which came out awesome... If you crank it up you can hear some pretty cool effects on it.. Gives the saying "need more cowbell" some new weight I guess...

Thanks for the listen.

Finne 06-22-2005 09:15 AM

Re: Chinese story


Kiinalainen juttu (Chinese story)

Hi Finne...
The mix is well done, as usual...especially like the guitar sounds...what are you running the guitars through?

thanks, Roy

Thanks Roy.

I run my guitars through Vox TonelabSE. Guitars are big part of sound and I use Gibson 335(early 70's) and LesPaul(-83), Fender Tele HW-1 (almost new) and Squier Stratocaster(-83). Pretty classical selection I think.

SSRJazz 06-22-2005 04:02 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks Chris,
I have a Yamaha Stage custom with remo pinstrip heads on the toms. A coated ambassador on the snare.
The guitars are a custom strat, direct to PT with Amplitube for effects and distortion.
What do you mean the kick is "out of balance?" Too Loud?


He was referring to my comment about the kick drum being 'out of balance'. e.g. it sticks out in the mix a little too much. Everything should have it's own place in the mix, but nothing should overpower and distract from the sonic whole. Unless that's an effect you're going for. If it is, that's fine, it just annoys me cuz I'm picky that way. Different strokes for different folks.

I think that if you eased off the compression on the rest of the kit a bit it would do wonders for it overall. Do you have the kick running through the same compressor as the rest of the drum tracks? That may be what makes it sound 'out of balance' to me. Or, it just may be a bit too loud. Hard to say w/o knowing how your tracks are set up and what efx you are using on them.

superpenguin79 06-22-2005 06:28 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
pk hat: I dig that one man. That tune and Bonk are my two fav's outta the ones you have posted so far. Didn't care for the rest honestly as they were a little avante garde so to speak for my tastes personally but the mixes sounded good. I saw your posts in the gear thread man, you selling off your rig?

Joz: Interesting disco type vibe on this one man. I dig the arrangement, but hear more of a backup vocal needed on the chorus possibly? maybe a possible harmony to her vocal in addition to the delayed part? I dig the build up with the drums at the 2:05 mark also.

Aoede 06-22-2005 06:50 PM

Re: Overnightlows

Here's my bands latest! we took the verse from an old song we had, but this is the final version. Took us a while to finish it, but here it is!

Hey Joz, I always like O'lows music but, prefer the previous version of Little Lives by a land slide. Just not feeling this one ....over processed or something, chorus doesn't hit you like that of the previous version. Ok, I'm done

GregJ 06-22-2005 06:55 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here's my latest. I thought it was a little bit funny and it was fun to record.

Steak Dinner Date


Teolin 06-22-2005 08:57 PM

Re: Chinese story
Loved the song and the performance, Finne.

clausiii 06-23-2005 03:05 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Hi again! I´m afraid you missed my post or you found that song very very awful

P.S.: thanks @ Finne for your comment


Please listen to the song and give me some comments if you like.
The instruments are:

1st Bass (clean and dist)
2nd Bass (clean and dist)
Guitars (clean and dist)
and a bit of piano sound sometimes...

This music has to be played loud, so turn it up!

Thanks for listening
Have a nice day

[/QUOTE] clausiii,
Cool song...good job on the vocal and most of the production is really good...one suggestion, is that the early overdrive guitar seems overly thin to me (like where the vocal screams on the verse endings). I feel a void in those spots...It would probably feel fine if some fuller guitar(s) were added there, as they are at about 2:19. Feels much better there.
Just a suggestion, and understood that it's a very good song and effort overall, IMO.



Thanks for reply!
Yes you are right Roy! The first overdrive guit is indeed a bit weak. But what I wanted to do was to make a BIG difference between the "introduction" of loud parts and the loudest parts, just like a kind of teaser...

Doug Farrar 06-23-2005 06:13 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


....I think the kick is a little out of balance volumewise with everything else. The only other problem I hear at all is overcompression. I can hear those compressors pumping away in there.

.....just needs a few tweaks and it'll be even better.

Again, Thanks Jeff, Chris, and any other comments.

I would like to learn more about the "proper" use of compression. I usually either cant hear the effect or end up with a "pumping" mix!

Regarding the bass drum. I think I was emphasizing the extreme lows and making it too boomy. I EQed an increase aroung 3K but also at 50mhz. I moved the latter up to 80mhz and it sounds a little better.

I am still confused since some have said the kick is too loud, others say they cant even hear it!

Here is something I did yesterday. It is a demo for a friend.

The track is called Faithful Freshmix0622.
BTW, they call me "fresh." LOL. I don't think the mix is actually "fresh" as in cool.

Thanks guys

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