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Sharritan 03-04-2005 07:14 AM

Here ya go
I am taking the plundge and putting a song out here.
Too Tired To Sleep

Be gentle......

DR.Loop 03-04-2005 08:29 AM

Re: Here ya go
Hey Sharritan,

Good stuff! I like it alot. For me maybe the drums could use a little tweak. Good vocals and guitar. Looking foward to hearing some more.

Nice job.


toddamo 03-04-2005 12:21 PM

Re: This weekend
Hey all you beautiful people,

Here's what's going to happen this weekend...

You are going to go into your studio and have
the most inspired weekend EVER. This is the one!

Ok...here's something I did last weekend:


A Poppy, Spacey, Funky Song with a Stevie Wonder Quote.

Hope you like it and I hope you all leap over yourselves
this weekend...


Roy Howell 03-04-2005 01:14 PM

Re: This weekend

Ok...here's something I did last weekend:



I love it...your best yet, IMO...I will also post 'Lovers' with your great vox later.
Great job on this one....


jamlaw 03-04-2005 04:50 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Hey everyone, I haven't posted here for quite a while! But I just finished our new album entirely on my Digi 001 (mixed back through a Mackie 32x8, and mastered with a Finalizer and Waves L2 plugin!

A song called "PARASITE" can be heard at Apocalypse Records

Intro is acoustic guitar through the Voce Spin then a second acoustic comes in using some wierd Waves plug in that makes it sound like Woo woo woo. There are also some backwards drums in there.

I used Soundreplacer to add a sample Kick and Snare, Realverb is the reverb. Some GRM tools delay on the vocals right before the chorus.

I love the bass tone - just miced no EQ and a Fairchild plugin comp on it (that plugin RULES for bass)

Any way check it if you want - still using Digi 001 and a G4 single processor 533mhz and making [bleep] ROCK!



Roy Howell 03-05-2005 10:01 AM

Latest Stuff...
A recent article on our friend and fellow DUCer Robb Graves' band, 8mm Overdose...based in Hawaii. Glad to see they're doing well.


BIG D 03-06-2005 08:26 AM

Re: Latest Stuff...
Hi All,

If anyone is interested in POP ROCK from downunder. This is a band signed to my label which I Produced and Engineered. Just finished the album in January. Hope you like it.


I love the whole album but tracks 15 & 13 are favs.

Best regards

Big D

Roy Howell 03-06-2005 06:47 PM

Re: New mix updated.
I had to A/B mixes 1 and 2 to hear what you had changed...good call on dropping the vox where you did...works better now. It's sounding good.


Roy Howell 03-06-2005 06:58 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...

All the instruments sound really good on 'Todellisuus'...nice recording job and mix...what are you running the vocals through?


Roy Howell 03-06-2005 08:55 PM

Re: Latest Stuff...

Hi All,

If anyone is interested in POP ROCK from downunder. This is a band signed to my label which I Produced and Engineered. Just finished the album in January. Hope you like it.


I love the whole album but tracks 15 & 13 are favs.

Best regards

Big D

Big D,
Very impressive, in every way. I listened to 15 & 13 as you suggested('In My Head' and 'Turn to You')...Excellent mixes, acoustic guitar sounds are very nice(I especially like the simple acoustic part in TurnToYou when verse two(I think)) becomes full...excellent guitar sound there).
Very good job overall, IMO.


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