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skyking 05-09-2003 11:05 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
heres a song i wrote for the harley davidson 100th anniversary..........click on hear me sing
..thank for checkin it out


Roy Howell 05-09-2003 11:22 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Russ (Ridger),
It's nice to hear the songs longer now...they sound good, very smooth... Jonathon Barnes is a talented guy for sure. Is this done at your studio?..... thanks, Roy

Hey Dave(neatguys),
Whoa...very cool piece. Sounds like it will be perfect as background music for that. You're getting Reason and Amplitube to work nicely for you. I just got into Amplitube myself, and I'm lovin it with my Strat. Really nice, though. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]
thanks, Roy

Chris Cavell,
I'm really impressed then, that you were that involved with these songs. Remember, we all look back at what we did last year and hear something we could improve, but you did a great job. As I said, I listened to just the 1st 3(due to time) but I'll check out some more later. Just keep it up... [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] ~Roy

GORILLA 05-10-2003 08:33 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
BOCEPHUS!!!!!!! Skyking I don't listen to much Country, but I dug that song!!! Nice GEEEEETAR!!!! Seriously [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] Oh yeah...Milwaukee Fest and Harley's 100th anniversary in da same WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!
Chris song number four was getting good and faded out [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] dangit!!
Neatguys cool synths, that should go great with some X-games manuvers!!!!
Hey Ridger nice stuff too, Just how old is that Fender amp and Les Paul?
Yeah Roy that Primate stuff is my main project...Try to make it as Heavy and Brutal as I can.... Finally figured Battery out and now the sky is the limit as to how INSANE I want the drums!! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

There's some seriously GREAT talent on this board...man if Digi can get that Rocket-Digi studio thing running again, I'd love to hook up with a few guys/gals on a tune or two!!!

neatguys 05-10-2003 04:24 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks Roy+Gorilla!!!
We should start an amplitube preset exchange!!!!
Email me if ya want some of mine.Gorilla I still need the ones you sent me awhile back.Didnt back them up before a reformat!!
I have all the new Ik presets also.

Roy Howell 05-10-2003 04:50 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I'm painting today so this'll be quick (my 'canvas' unfortunatly is up on the roof...I'm re-painting the trim up there... [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] )... but, do me a favor if you get a chance. In Amplitube, on the preset 'Heaven'(I believe), under the 'Amp' heading... there is a constant hiss with that setting. (not the little hiss that comes with the demo, this is the real Amplitube). I love the clean preset sound, but I'm trying to get rid of that hiss. I notice that it goes away by turning off the entire EQ section, but of course the sound itself loses it's appeal... there's gotta be a way within the EQ to pull back the hiss, but I haven't found it. Let me know if you have a chance to check it out.
And exchanging presets is a good idea...we'll have to get into it as we go here...

thanks, Roy

Superclock 05-10-2003 05:02 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I have an Amplitube question. I'm running a Win98SE/PIII machine with the 001. Would I need to upgrade my machine and OS to use Amplitube with no latency? You know, while I'm tracking. I would love to have it.

neatguys 05-10-2003 08:08 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
well I have decent results with the 128 buffer setting.Are you able to rec. at 128 with amplitube now?The asio driver willallow you to use the 001's in and outs into other comatible software also.For now 128 buffer has been good enough for me for now.I am running a p4 1.6 with 512 ram.I can only get two instances of amplitube with sampletank simultainiously with this though.
Roy I will dig into that .I like this clean now.



This ones cool also.I thought the vintage super cln. was tubey!
Yeah someone with a server could set an amplitube preset thing for us 6 string and 7 etc.. stringers.The files are tiny so downloading them is no problem if ya dont have cable.

Chris Cavell 05-11-2003 01:10 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
The following post is outdated. Modern computers should allow you to record at the lower buffers (lower latencies) rendering this technique useless. It's here just incase anyone wants to bother with it, which is not very likely anymore.

How to keep plugins enabled in Low Latency Mode:

1) make an aux channel, set it's input as if it were an audio track, route the aux track out to a bus.

2) make an audio track, set it's input as the output bus of the aux track. Load amplitube on this track.

(Low latency mode will not disable inserts or sends on aux tracks or audio tracks that have a bus assigned as it's input!)

I don't think very many people know about this "bypassing" of PTLE's low latency side-affects. I was stoked upon discovering it. I use it for enabling reverbs during tracking, as well as for making different headphone mixes for each musician during tracking (since the sends aren't disabled, you can get up to 10 different headphone mixes, 5 on the audio tracks, and 5 on the auxes. Of course, there is still a minimal latency, but much less than I expected upon it's discovery, much less than Nuendo. CPU speed plays a big role in this, so it may not work very well for slower systems. (I'm at 2.4GHz, 533MHz front side bus, 1 gig DDR 333.)

I hope some of you guys find this as useful as I have. [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

fabpab 05-11-2003 02:14 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ok guys what u think of this then... ??

Ridger 05-11-2003 06:16 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Roy, Neatguys, Gorilla,

thanks for your comments re: Jonathan Barnes.

Yes, tracks were recorded in my studio except for the drums that were recorded with portable equipment that I set up in Jonathan's basement.

Jonathan has some classic instruments besides the Les Paul (which he plays a mean slide guitar on). He also played a resonator, a Kay guitar (remember those?) a fine banjo and a very old mandolin which is worth more than my cars.

I now own some additional equipment for tracking (an NTK and a Fosusrite pre were acquired since) but all of the tracks in my studio were captured by my digi001 converters and preamps.


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