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Finne 02-22-2005 02:15 AM

Re: Terror

Sounds great...good job on the mix. One of these days, I will surprise you with my fluent Finnish, but until then, the music sounds really good.


Thank You Roy. I am happy to hear that You are decided and fast in order to learn.

Voideco 02-22-2005 03:33 AM

Re: Latest stuff
Thanks Roy.

Yeah I started as a midiguy, guess it'll always show in my works. Most of them are just concepts, snippets.




badperson 02-22-2005 06:37 AM

Re: Latest stuff

thanks for the input guys.. however here is the latest that ive worked on.


let me know what you guys think

This is a very good recording/performance/production.

The drums are especially good, which in my view usually determines how "pro" a song sounds. Very nice work.

voideco, cool stuff.

toddamo, your stuff sounds really good, too. I like the songs, but was wanting to hear more definition in the drums. But that be the sound your shooting for, nice work. I like the interplay between the vocal parts.

Gene, very nice work on both your recordings. I'm a big Brahms fan, so I like that one better, but I like the sound a lot. You can tell it's a recital and not a studio, but there's something to it I'm really drawn to. And the performances are great. Are these your daughters peers playing? Fantastic. stuff. I've listened to the Brahms quite a few times.

"Satan's Claws" isn't really my bag genre-wise, but good production and playing.

Finne, I liked your stuff a lot. Nice mix between guitars and synths. What are you using?
And as for your lyrics, it's rare a songwriter can speak to me like that, really tell me my own story Just kidding, great work.


Gene Backlin 02-22-2005 07:43 AM

Re: Latest stuff
Thank you bp for your kind words, it is really appreciated.


Are these your daughters peers playing?

Unfortunately not. I recorded this for a friend who normally records this group of musicians. It is the LaPorte County Symphony Orchestra of Indiana. The concert this time was a chamber presentation, thus only 2 players. http://www.lcso.net/subscription/chamber.htm

My friend has been recording them for a number of years, but he had another commitment so he asked me. I was thrilled at the opportunity !

Thank you again for listening !

Take Care,

stewie 02-22-2005 11:18 AM

Re: Latest stuff
thank you for the kind words bp

Finne 02-22-2005 12:39 PM

Re: Latest stuff

Finne, I liked your stuff a lot. Nice mix between guitars and synths. What are you using?
And as for your lyrics, it's rare a songwriter can speak to me like that, really tell me my own story Just kidding, great work.


Dear Mr Bad,

You made me so happy, Thank You.

I made guitars with Gibson Les Paul and Vox TonelabSE and a synth is Malmström of Reason 2.5.



Joz 02-24-2005 06:54 AM

Re: Latest stuff
Here's a new one http://www.overnightlows.com/music/getawaygo.mp3 Haven't had time to listen to the mix in different stereos. Knowing me I'll probably end up mixing it 5 times


bigbubbaj 02-24-2005 11:14 AM

Re: Latest stuff
Joz, Sounds GREAT on my 7.1 computer speakers, not time to listen in the studio...but that is usually a good indicator.

Cool 80s pop rock meets modern vibe. i really like it.

What reverbs are you using on the vocals?

Roy Howell 02-24-2005 11:45 AM

Re: Latest stuff
Here is a link to songs that have been posted on 'Latest Stuff'. This is a combination of songs I saved beginning Jan.'04, and songs DaBasstard had saved even prior to that. (I alone had 153 folders from the past year, each a different artist, and each containing 1-10 songs). They are on Bastiaan's server.
If anyone wants anything added or deleted, email me or Bastiaan.



Jack Rabbit 02-24-2005 12:22 PM

Re: Latest stuff
What a great resource. A one-stop site for when you're craving Spicy McHaggis, or other great original music.

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