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Chris Cavell 07-13-2004 10:01 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
fix the link...

should be:


IntelDoc 07-13-2004 10:02 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Tuff guy...

Chris Cavell 07-13-2004 10:14 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Mr. Cavell

Sheesh, how old do you think i am?

I think it's definitely better, but you may still be going a bit far with some of the eq, and dare I say, a tad much on some of the compression. Go ahead and upload that stuff; I'll play with the snippet a bit and get it back to you asap so you can see some of my approaches on your own screen instead of just hearing them (or hearing me talk about them ). Put up the new *.wav as well...I'm not going to waste time with the old one now.

It seems to be getting late...that could mean only one thing:



IntelDoc 07-13-2004 10:44 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Should be up there now...

- Doc

scottedog 07-13-2004 11:20 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Sounding much better, Doc. Better performance, not so nervous? Do you have all the instruments bussed to a little room verb to make them sound..."together" if you know what I mean?

I know you said the second guitarist goes thru the whole thing & maybe it's just me but I still find it distracting at the end. Like I say, maybe it's just me.

IntelDoc 07-13-2004 11:23 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Guitars are running to a stereo buss. Only the better guitar player though. The other plays on spurts, and is very low in the mix. That is why you hear his sustain at the end. Maybe I will cut him more, but I do not want to offend. Their is actually no verb in Pro Tools on the guitars. That is the room and their FX that they wanted. Only compression and EQ.

Thanks for checkin git out again. I think that she did a lot better...

- Doc

bigbubbaj 07-13-2004 11:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Doc- I think the vocal is better, but still sits low in the mix. Kick drum is very prominent. Maybe its the kick drum that is too high and the vocal is fine. Hmmm. Yeah, I think I am going to with maybe lower the kick a bit?

Big J.

IntelDoc 07-13-2004 11:27 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Cool... Will look into it...

- Doc

SSRJazz 07-14-2004 09:54 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


I really dig the performances and the mixes. I can hear where Jeff is coming from though...but I don't think it sounds like an L2 overly squashed...instead it sounds to me like an L1 just barely over squashed just a dB or two. (The L1 has a tendency to, dare I say it, make things a bit, as so many have said before, sound a bit "digital". The L2 imo, with the introduction of an extremely transparent ARC, makes all the difference in the world here.)

The L1....That's it. I dumped that plugin SO fast when the L2 came out and I heard how much -better- it was. I -knew- what I was hearing something familiar but had long forgotten the L1.


I can totally understand how you cannot hear the overcompression. Most people aren't going to because of one very simple reason: Nearly every single "Major Label" release is so completely overcompressed nowadays that everyone goes for 'that sound.' FM radio compounds the problem even more by running everything thru yet another compressor. Nikki-k (dis)affectionately refers to the 'syndrome' as "The Volume Wars." It's really hard to describe exactly 'how' that overcompression sounds. Best I can do is just to say that it sounds like it's been squeezed down to the point where it just can't 'breathe' and just sounds 'strained' all over like it's trying to breathe but can't. Once you hear it and can recognize it tho, it will drive you crazy. I'd love to take a crack at the session files for a couple of the songs (I'll Stand and Say It Again for example...very nice songs) and remix/master them to give you something to A/B and compare with your ears and see visually in the session itself. It really doesn't take much at all to overdo the compression. Even if it's just a little. It could also be that some of the dynamics processing you're doing in the mix itself may also be part of what I'm hearing as well.

Just tryin to help and offer some advice. I think your material is great. It just drives my overly picky ears nuts to hear it strain like that. =)

sventvkg 07-15-2004 03:28 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here



I really dig the performances and the mixes. I can hear where Jeff is coming from though...but I don't think it sounds like an L2 overly squashed...instead it sounds to me like an L1 just barely over squashed just a dB or two. (The L1 has a tendency to, dare I say it, make things a bit, as so many have said before, sound a bit "digital". The L2 imo, with the introduction of an extremely transparent ARC, makes all the difference in the world here.)

The L1....That's it. I dumped that plugin SO fast when the L2 came out and I heard how much -better- it was. I -knew- what I was hearing something familiar but had long forgotten the L1.


I can totally understand how you cannot hear the overcompression. Most people aren't going to because of one very simple reason: Nearly every single "Major Label" release is so completely overcompressed nowadays that everyone goes for 'that sound.' FM radio compounds the problem even more by running everything thru yet another compressor. Nikki-k (dis)affectionately refers to the 'syndrome' as "The Volume Wars." It's really hard to describe exactly 'how' that overcompression sounds. Best I can do is just to say that it sounds like it's been squeezed down to the point where it just can't 'breathe' and just sounds 'strained' all over like it's trying to breathe but can't. Once you hear it and can recognize it tho, it will drive you crazy. I'd love to take a crack at the session files for a couple of the songs (I'll Stand and Say It Again for example...very nice songs) and remix/master them to give you something to A/B and compare with your ears and see visually in the session itself. It really doesn't take much at all to overdo the compression. Even if it's just a little. It could also be that some of the dynamics processing you're doing in the mix itself may also be part of what I'm hearing as well.

Just tryin to help and offer some advice. I think your material is great. It just drives my overly picky ears nuts to hear it strain like that. =)

Right on Jeff..Thanks for even caring enough to give me some advice man! I'll send ya the sessions if ya would like to take crack at Mixing them man...Shoot me an email with your address and I'll get a DVD out to ya. I hear the limiting on the peaks for sure but I used the L2... Could be all the dynamics control on the sessions themselves. Everyone has their own method of mixing, but I will send you the sessions with all the Plugin info that I used so you can see..As long as you have those plugs. Let me know man...Thanks again.


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