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Ruben_B 04-04-2005 08:07 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

Ahhhh... Ruben's "In LUUUVVVVVVVV! "

too funny....

been drinking tonight! sorry.. Good stuff! by all....

- Doc

sorry, i didnt think it was that obvious

still listening to it now

keithl 04-04-2005 08:38 PM

Re: Overnight Lows

man that song is sooooo good! Awesome job. Ive had that song on repeat 2 days straight,

I have been listening to it over and over also!

as I said before..great production!

Roy Howell 04-04-2005 10:58 PM

Re: Collaboration

Roy, I just listened to a bunch of your tunes...you have a real cool guitar tone and style.

Thanks very much keith...I've liked everything I've heard by you too...

Joz...your 'mixing' post above is great...some very helpful info there. Again, great job on the new one.


superpenguin79 04-05-2005 05:12 AM

Re: Solo CD

The mastering jobs aren't exactly 'pouring in' at the moment. So I figured I'd pop my head into this area for a little refresher. Hadn't been here in a while...good stuff all around:


Very cool eclectic stuff going on here! I particularly like "Scattered Dreams". You're combining instruments and styles in ways most people wouldn't dare attempt. Way to break the mold; keep it up. (On a sidenote: I always have softspot for didge...my collection of didge's has been growing for years...I need a better way to store them.)

To everyone, keep up the great work!


Thanks Chris, yeah "Scattered Dreams" is pretty much just that... I woke up out of a deep sleep at 6am one morning and went into the studio and just started meshing sounds that fit the pattern of a dream actually. Just a new approach to composing I guess... I like to call it "art" on a Pro Tools canvas sometimes... lol Very cool about the Didge's man! How many do you own? I heard from a shop owner one time that it is always good to store them with care to keep them in top shape. I would like to get a couple of rain shakers next and put them with some didge's for a track down the road.

on a side note, I really need to be able to get HSI so that I can download some more tunes that you guys are posting. It takes me forever to download them on dialup out here...

Chris Cavell 04-05-2005 06:32 AM

Re: Solo CD
I've got about a dozen of them now of all kinds of varieties. I once came across a cache of very large bamboo that was driving the owner of a baseball park nuts...so I took care of the problem for him...used a driveshaft to knock out the nodes. I made hundreds of them and gave most away over the years. I've kept a few though. I've been paid for session work with a didge once. The "prettiest" one I own is aboriginal, termite hollowed eucalyptus, and about 4 and 1/2 feet long...weighs about 25 pounds, but I think a couple of the bamboo ones I made years ago sound the best.

A great way to store them that I've found is large fishing rod cases. I can't find cases to fit all of them though.

xraydelta1 04-05-2005 08:36 AM

Re: overnight lows
Awesome JOz, great work. Also over here in West LA. Soon moving to SF, your track is very inspiring, was my fav(the breaks) of all your tracks on your page. Your drummer is the coolest, and that singer, her look is perfect, good looking, but not too much off a priss. She's not your average white girl on tv. In fact she looks mixed, this band is awesome. Dang, this really shows the power of pro toolers. Thank you joz thank you so much this music is what us muscians want to hear. More good music like this please. thank you joz, thank you joz band, thank you guys.

xraydelta1 04-05-2005 08:43 AM

Re: Solo CD
At first i thought, nah this music aint me, but then i took another listen and i really liked the feeling the second track gave me. Some good ducking effects or i'm not sure what that is, but the overall vibe of the second song was really dreamy, wild west type, really got my imagination going. Gosh i'm starting to really like this forum.

xraydelta1 04-05-2005 08:47 AM

Re: ...



This is a band I recently recorded. A bit different from the norm on here.
Thought I would share. Most of it was done before I switched to PT in Sonar. I then mastered it in PT.
A little on the heavy side (and explicit lyrics as a heads up).

I'll Shine (mp3 5.4 mb)

Very well done...the band is tight, guitars sound great...very good mix. This is 'not my genre', as we sometimes say, but excellent job on your part. Post more when you can.


Thanks for the kind words Roy!


awesome madcow! Brings me back to the days of playing drums in a hardcore band. It has a very tight fat sound. I like that snare, real warm even though it's all tuned high.

Super Seven 04-05-2005 12:39 PM

Re: Solo CD

At first i thought, nah this music aint me, but then i took another listen and i really liked the feeling the second track gave me. Some good ducking effects or i'm not sure what that is, but the overall vibe of the second song was really dreamy, wild west type, really got my imagination going. Gosh i'm starting to really like this forum.

I am asuming you are refurring to my 2 tracks posted. Thanks. I like the term 'dreamy' you used. I think that would be a good description for most of the tracks I have for my CD. I know my recording technics are not the norm and the results are quite different, but in all honestly, I like the why way they turned out. Something different you could say.


xraydelta1 04-05-2005 06:40 PM

Re: Solo CD

Here are couple tracks in the works for my upcoming solo CD
Angel In Ice
Crystal Clear

Would love to hear some comments... also.... goto www.scottkroeker.com if you want to get the latest on the CD release


yes it was your songs i was talking about. Hey this guitar sounds great. Is there any possible way i could collaborate with you and do a hiphop remix of one of your tracks? I'm feeling this second song. Sorry if this seems a little forward.

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