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Roy Howell 11-30-2004 11:30 PM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update
Gene Backlin-

Hey Chris,

I would appreciate your listening to this recording I made of a local High School, not one that my kids go to. It was a favor for a friend of mine. I tried to use some ideas that we had talked about. It is the Symphonic band and their concert that took place last Tuesday. Thank you.


Take Care,

I'm catching up and just heard this...really enjoyed it...another good job.

Gene Backlin 12-01-2004 06:36 PM

Re: 2004 DUC Disc Update

I'm catching up and just heard this...really enjoyed it...another good job.

Thanks Roy,

I have my daughter's choir on the 8th in their Christmas Concert, then FINALLY on Dec 13-15th, I will have them in the acoustically designed music room in a non performance in front of an audience, session.

In the spring they are going to perform Vivaldi's Gloria in a chuch with brass quintet and pipe organ.

Thanks for listening, it is greatly appreciated !!!

Take Care,

Buzz Moschetti 12-02-2004 08:10 PM

Amateur Tunes
After watching the DUC for some time, I boldly place my amateur toolings in the public domain. Don't look for EQ or mastering wizardry here. These are examples of what an amateur can do in a few hours in a back room of an apartment with a 001, a nice sound module (Roland XV-3038), a couple of guitars, and a PodPro. One day I might even put up tunes with lyrics.


Jack Rabbit 12-02-2004 09:10 PM

Re: Amateur Tunes

Amazing that one person did all that. Amateur you may say, but you seem to have a great deal of musical knowledge and experience. Do you construct the backgrounds as a vehicle to play guitar over? Or do you develop it all together?

Especially impressive (as it is done with a keyboard, no?) is the free time drum sign-off on New Strat Groove.

Will take a little while to process all. I'll post as I listen.

DR.Loop 12-03-2004 06:07 AM

Re: Amateur Tunes
Hello Buzz,

I like the guitar playing you did Cool!and piano too.
Nice work!


Finne 12-03-2004 11:58 AM

First tunes
Here is my first tunes ready.

Pois poistakaa

Feel free to tell what is wrong except my singing. I have had hard times to find a singer. And of course it is in Finnish.

Thanx for listening.

John Hey 12-03-2004 05:17 PM

Re: Amateur Tunes

I didn’t hear anything amateur about this stuff. Great job!!!! I thought it was nicely done. I have heard “professional stuff” that no way matched what you did here. Can’t wait to hear more. I also liked your simple website.

Buzz Moschetti 12-03-2004 09:28 PM

Re: Amateur Tunes
Why thank you! And yes, although music & recording is not my profession, it certainly is an important part of my life. I've played in bands since high school and started recording on a Tascam
234 4 track cassette unit in 1982 when I went to college so it's not like the environment is unknown to me.
I consider myself more of a keyboard player than a guitarist but now that you mention it some of those tunes do have a "platform" feel to them over which the guitar is laid.
Glad you liked the free time drum sign-off! Couldn't have done it without the incredibly expressive patch on the drum chip.

Buzz Moschetti 12-03-2004 09:58 PM

Re: First tunes
Finnish surf punk metal! Even though you said ignore the vocals, I like the chopped EQ treatment on the chorus ("pois poistakaa!").

lwilliam 12-03-2004 10:10 PM

Re: Mac Mixes!!!!!!!!
Pete: Fragile. That's VERY well recorded and mixed! Great drum sound, guitar sounds, vocal sound. Don't tell anyone you did it on an 001 - they'll never know. Tell 'em you did it on a 2" Otari machine and they'll probably believe you. I bet you had a great room to record in.

Gee, I can ALWAYS find something to nag on about with a recording, but not with that song. OK, I probably would have brought the aux send down a little for the echo on the lead vocal. There...I found something.

Great mix!

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