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rchaffin 07-31-2004 12:58 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks for the feedback Roy!

The 'Holy' song was done by me and a friend of mine David Lucas. David handled the vocal and I did everything else. I'm still not satisified with the outcome. We intend on replacing the drum track with a real set.

'Forgotten' was done by Blind Fate, a local band here, recorded in my studio. Any suggestions for beefing up the guitars? Both songs shared the same path for recording guitars. SM57>API312>ADL1000>Digi001

P.S- I really did your tunes. You're an amazing player!

bigbubbaj 07-31-2004 09:24 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

So, how and where I can upload those demos?

Kind regards,
Yasser Saeed

Welcome! - You have to have a web host, or a free provider. You cannot upload directly to the DUC. MAybe someone can point out a free place to upload mp3s?

G.roots 07-31-2004 11:25 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Nice work on the rough mix! I am very impressed on how even everything sounds. Can you tell me what your signal path looks like for guitars, vocals and drums? What mics + pres are being used? Any outboard gear being used? How do you get the vocals so even sounding? Do you do any compression during recording? I am having a hard time getting even drum and vocal tracks. I am sure that I am not going to disk with the proper dynamic range limiting. I have two dbx 160As that help a lot and still sound good but I can never seem to get a clear and even sounding snare, kick or vocal track. Your words will be appreciated!

Thanks, bro!

Roy Howell 08-01-2004 10:43 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Yasser Saeed,
Welcome......you might try Soundclick for posting your songs.

Jake001 08-01-2004 11:02 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Great sound man...Cool song too!

Did you track those drums or were they programmed? I like the sound...


You might also try the Yahoo briefcase. For $2 a month, you can upload as much as 50 Mb and share with whomever you like...That's what I am using and is seems to work very well....


Roy Howell 08-01-2004 11:08 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks for the feedback Roy!

'Forgotten' was done by Blind Fate, a local band here, recorded in my studio. Any suggestions for beefing up the guitars?......
P.S- I really did your tunes. You're an amazing player!

Hi Rick,
First, thanks very much..... On the guitars on 'Forgotten', I would probably just start by EQing them to be fatter without losing their bite. I just relistened, and one other suggestion is that some good subtle percussion behind the drums should really help it chug better.....just something to fill in the sparseness of the ride, kick, snare in places.....maybe a shaker or two.
But again, very good job. I'm just trying to be helpful...

Roy Howell 08-01-2004 11:31 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

i havent posted here in a long time. this is an unmastered, rough mix of an acoustic song that i originally posted here a few years ago. its been "electrified" for a different feel. oh yeah, hi roy- long time no speak!


And Robb's back!...
How's it been going, Robb? How are things in Hawaii these days? Any tours of Japan lately?...
I do remember 'Rebecca' as a more acoustic thing, and I like the new changes...the new guitars sound really good. Did you play bass? ...Good job.

G.roots 08-01-2004 01:54 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Scott,

How many tracks are you getting with that Asus K8V and the Athlon 64? I am thinking about upgrading my 002R based DAW. I am currently using a Athlon 1800+ (Asus A7V266-E motherboard)system and I quickly run out of processing power once I mix in a few plugins. Also, what case are you using? My current system is water cooled with a Koolance PC2-C case. I hope I can use the same case for the upgrade but I know I will have to get a new CPU cooling block. Anyway...

Let me know, bro.


8mmOverdose 08-01-2004 03:46 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks for all the kind words. "Back in the day" i would make a point to check out this thread as often as i could, but i just dont have time now. I'll try to answer some of the questions about the recording, and this will take a little time *laugh*...

"Can you tell me what your signal path looks like for guitars, vocals and drums? What mics + pres are being used? Any outboard gear being used? How do you get the vocals so even sounding? Do you do any compression during recording? I am having a hard time getting even drum and vocal tracks. I am sure that I am not going to disk with the proper dynamic range limiting."

This song has had quite a history & you may laugh when you hear some of the "techniques" (or lack of) i used. I started this song in cakewalk about at least 4 or 5 years ago. The original acoustic version was done to a click track. All the vocals were tracked with a Shure SM81 into a $300 Soundcraft mixing board. I was using a Digital Audio Labs "Card D+" soundcard. I think I eq'd the input signal a bit, but no outbaord FX were used for tracking. The vocalist had very good mic technique which resulted in very even vocal levels. The acoustic guitars were also tracked using only an SM81. There is just one track on acoustic in this version, panned dead center.

The "harder" work took place in pro tools. I imported the audio files and built on it. The drums are not acoustic, however they were played by a drummer on my Pintech electronic kit. He somehow was able to follow the click & real "loose" guitar tracks. The final midi signal was passd through a ddrum 4 module directly into pro tools. Mind you this is just a rough track, but I actually ran the ddrum 4 into the preamps (ch 1 & 2) of my digi 001. If anyone is considering electronic drums, get ddrums and never look back. I may never record acoustic drums again.

After we tracked the drums to the acoustic guitars & click track, I had a crazy idea to electrify the song in the style of "Boston". The artist was intrigued so I went with it. I used two mics for each of the electric guitar tracks, but eneded up just using the tracks I recorded with the Shure SM57. The cab was a single 12" mesa, the head was a JCM 900, the guitar was a strat with a humbucker. I used various levels of gain for each of the guitar tracks. The SM57 was plugged straight into my digi 001 ch 1 preamp. i think there are upwards of 7 guitar tracks in some parts of the song, towards the end maybe 10!

I did not play the bass and if I recall I ran it direct through a focusrite voicemaster pre into pro tools. It was a P-bass with active EMG's.

I spent A LOT of time lining up everything. Roy will remember the original song had a really loose feel. I manually adjusted the midi drum notes and cut/pasted audio tracks to improve the timing & meter. I chose the best played electric guitar tracks & cut/pasted them into place. I also added in one drum fill which i created by cut/pasting one of the other fills in the song. The song was recorded in a very "backwards" manner so it was real sloppy 'till I started making adjustments to tighten things up. I may change the hi hat to a more "open" sound, but other than that I am pleased with the results.

I am still using a digi 001. this was actually recorded and mixed using PTLE 5.11. I also have an ADI 8 pro hooked up which definately improves the overall sound quality. For the vocal mixdown i used an antares tube, a little eq on the high end, a compressor & reverb. The only guitars with any type of processing of fx are the single "lead solo" and the acoustic "picked" harmonics at the end of the song. the rest of the guitar tracks are dry, not even any eq. The only FX on the drums is reverb.

And thats the life story of Rebecca.

Roy, you never answered my emails so I gave up. I think I owe you a poster or shirt or something. I am playing a lot of shows locally, we picked up a Jagermeister sponsorship a little over a year ago so this keeps me busy. We are scheduld to tour Europe in October, but we havent toured Japan for almost 2 years. We will hit the west coast again the beginning of 2005. I am still working on my bands latest cd, its been over 2 years now. But I will have it done before we go to Europe. And now I am tired of typing!

G.roots 08-01-2004 04:53 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Interesting story. It's funny how the songs that end up going to "tape" in unusual manners end up with more vibe, character and always end up sounding better than the straight up sessions - at least for me. Maybe it's the time spent on getting them right that makes all the difference. Thanks for taking the time to respond and good luck with all your motions.


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