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oedipus_complex 07-24-2004 07:44 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi everyone

Check out my mp3:

Your Little Girl Has Gone Insane

Not strictly made in 'tools, I used Fruity Studio for sequencing


bigbubbaj 07-24-2004 08:45 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Everyone,

I have just wrapped up mixing a song I am recording gratis for a local band.

They are very good! This is my edited version. I played "producer" a bit and chopped the beginning and end of this song. IMHO the song was too long for the sake of being long. Especially so after mixing it for a few days. It had a Really long intro and a redundant chorus (from a feel perspective), who knows what they will use.

So far they are very happy with the quality of the song, so I will be recording them some more coming up. The singer has some pitch problems, and needs a bit of work, but this take is after 2 sessions with the singer. I was trying to get him to hear stuff, but you cant correct what someone wan't hear. This band is pretty young. Drummer is 16, guitar/bassist (in studio he plays bass) is 17 and the Singer is 20.

Anyhow, this was recorded at my basement studio 5198 Studios . We did a live take to get the drums, then re tracked everything else.

The guitar, left channel is sm57 on a small marshall amp, and the right channel is the same gtr take simul di'd through an ART tube mp -> NI guitarRig.

Bass is through my SWR super redhead, XLR direct out to the digimax LT into PTLE.

Drums are d6 kick, sm57 snare, apex 435 overheads, and Audio Technica tom mics.

Singer is apex 435.

Mixed in the box, and run through a quick mastering in the box.

All are through the Digimax LT.

Here it is, from Final Attempt.... RipTide - Radio Edit Version

Tell me what you think.

If anyone wants the full version (for comparision on edits, it is on my web page at http://www.justindaniels.org/index.p...=Final_Attempt


bigbubbaj 07-26-2004 07:04 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here


The singer called me yesterday and asked If he could re-track vocals. I said YES. Didn't think he performed very well, and he can do better, etc. Since I am not charging them, what's another 3 hours of studio time. I am having a lot of fun BTW, so I am not worried about that.

Drummer thinks he is not loud enough. He plays a lot of double bass, so may eq'ing a bit more attack on the kick would give him the effect of being louder.

What do you all think??


Jake001 07-26-2004 09:27 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey All:

Here is a song we just finished. It was all done in Pro-Tools.

Let me know what you think.


It is under the folder: Soundhole Studios...

The songs name is: Gilda

Thanks a bunch - Scott

bigbubbaj 07-26-2004 10:26 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Jake001- Sounds great. Great voice and vocals!

Great mix. Is that mastered?


Jake001 07-26-2004 12:57 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

Thanks for the listen.

A buddy of mine with and LE set up in Iowa mixed and mastered it. He also played the bass and did the background vocals. I think he used the Waves Gold bundle with the mastering plugins.

The guitars, banjo, snare and lead vox were recorded at my place in Chicago. I then e-mailed him the files to be mixed and mastered there...he does a great job.

Thanks again...Scott

Jake001 07-26-2004 02:52 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Just to let you know...I have also added another song to my briefcase:

Song for Julia by me fried Steve Dostal.

The guitar and Vox were recorded here in Chicago and then we sent them to Iowa to my buddy's studio for the bass, drums and percussion.


It is under the soundhole studios file.

Thanks A lot - Scott

Jake001 07-26-2004 02:53 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Just to let you know...I have also added another song to my briefcase:

Song for Julia by my fried Steve Dostal.

The guitar and Vox were recorded here in Chicago and then we sent them to Iowa to my buddy's studio for the bass, drums and percussion.


It is under the soundhole studios file.

Thanks A lot - Scott

Jake001 07-26-2004 04:14 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Sorry for the double post...I messed up...


Man those drums sound tight. Hats off to the drummer...Also...nice job on recording and mixing them as well...I always found that tough to do...


bigbubbaj 07-26-2004 05:02 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Thanks. I spent a lot of time on miking the drums. They pretty mich mix themselves... I might re-eq the kick to get more attack...since the drummer wants them "louder" which means he is probably just deaf from playing with no earplugs. LOL.

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