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Joe Evans 05-08-2004 07:21 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED* *DELETED*

Nice! Very nice!

I have listened to it several times now and I like what I hear. Okay, now for the critique....

The vocals seem to start out low but then soon gain momentum, volume-wise. Was that intentional? R.E.M. used to do that in their earlier songs and NO, I am not comparing this to R.E.M. so anyone who was gonna bling me on that just go ahead and bite me. The vocal most definitely fits the song. I think the interplay between the drums and guitar at the solo *is* busy, but it works for me anyway. Was it done live or overdubbed? Either way, it sounds tight.

What all were you doing in that tune, vocals, guitar, what?



Tito Ricci Arballo 05-08-2004 08:03 PM

Here is my demo Mash it up (cups jointz) mp3 ep

1.Black Nostaljack

2.Mash it Up

3.Rock the Party

4.The Jump Off



Bunus Beat: Reel Like Dat

Pick a track and rate it.

Thanks, tito

IntelDoc 05-08-2004 08:49 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED* *DELETED*
Cool tune and it sounds great! Has a strange psuedo-VOIVOD sound on the guitars. Very cool sound. I would bump the vocals up a notch or lower the guitars and the hi hat a tad.

Other than that, very cool tune!


nightshadecrisis 05-09-2004 01:01 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED* *DELETED*
hey, thanks for all the input, i get alot out of hearing what you guys have to say. joe, the volume for the vocals wasnt intentional, i've actually been meaning to clean that up a little bit. there are 2 vocal tracks that are right in the beginning-a low and a high, and i think a little automation would do it wonders.....

as for the Djembe drum playing in the solo, thats another thing i was thinking about taking out altogether, it seems a bit too much. in the other parts though i was going to turn it up a notch so that it comes out a bit more. it was done overdubbed(drums, then bass, then guitar, vocals, then djembe). it was recorded with 4 888's(I'm trying to convince my boss to go HD3 Accel...."no sir, your plugins will be just fine.....), an SSL 4035 board, a few Distressors on most things going in...for the vocals i used the Neve/Shep 1081 preamp, Fatso comp and a Neumann Fet47. It's great to have so much pro gear at my disposal, i didnt play anything on this one, though on a few of their other songs i'll be doing some stuff.

the funny thing is this is a pretty rough mix, i havent done all that much to it, but we really spent alot of time getting everything to go in sounding good, i think for sure its the best thing i've done(also the first on a TDM system). Thanks everyone for the suggestions and input! I'll try to get a more mixed version up at some point this week if i get a chance.


3000 05-09-2004 01:43 AM

Re: Latest stuff!
Thanks for all the inputs.

Schmidt 05-09-2004 09:02 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Here is my last record:)


I hope You will enjoy it

3000 05-09-2004 03:23 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Schmidt: the link asks me to register. There must be easier way to listen to your dongs. I have no time for a registration.

Schmidt 05-09-2004 04:54 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED* *DELETED*
Here it is


Now you should not be asked to register
Listen and enjoy:)
hope so:)

spkguitar 05-09-2004 09:17 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED* *DELETED*
Schmidt, that's really nice. I saw in your other post that it was done with only sampletank and PT? Nice.

Schmidt 05-10-2004 03:58 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here *DELETED* *DELETED*
That's right and converted Akai saples
I think Sample Tank si the best software sampler
I am thinking of upgr. to PT HD but I allways will be inlove with my Digi 001
It is something like my first Love..hahahah

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