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skip b 10-03-2003 05:09 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Kevin,your initial verses sound good but it seems when you sing the chorus or bridge you tend to get off just a tad.Are you able to hear yourself evenly with the music?My guess is your not hearing your music good enough to sing with and your slightly guessing.Then it could be your tired and do need the break.

Karma Eng. 10-03-2003 08:12 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hey Skip,
I had the music even with the vocals in my headphones, I have always set my mix that way for live and studio (I use in ears live). It makes me sing hard enough but not to hard and if my pitch is really off I can tell most of the time that way. I didn't get to spend quite as much time on the vocals as I wanted to but I'll be spending some more time working on them this coming week with a friend who has excellent ideas for vocals. My voice teacher helped me a ton as well but I can't afford that right now so I'm basically just asking anyone with ears to give me some opinions. I'm still kinda new at this whole singing thing. Thanks again for the kind words and the critiques.


Gene Backlin 10-03-2003 09:28 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi Kevin,

The part "wanted let you walk out..." is good right after that the next word is where I heard the pitch variation. It was consistant every time you sang it with the exception to the next to last time at the end. I don't think that it is you hitting the note, there seems to be a clash of the note with the chorus that stands out. You hit that note several times in the other chorus section but it seems to be alone on its own.

I hope this makes sense.

Neat song though. Good listen for a Friday !!!

Take Care,

IntelDoc 10-03-2003 09:20 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
I wanna know how the guitars were recorded... Was it mic'd or is that amplitube???

Enough of the voice stuff.. :-)

Please let us know the guitar way...


Karma Eng. 10-03-2003 10:20 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Ok the guitars, hear goes, it's a list man i must tell ya. The guitars we used were the following, 1956 les paul junior (single cut away with a p-90), 1989 Gibson Flying V, late 1990's Fernadez Les Paul style guitar with Wolfgang pickups in it, late 1990's Les Paul Custom double cutaway, 1980's Ilbanez Ghostrider (pickups were changed). All guitars were tuned to C G C F A D, using bridge pickups only and all tone controls wide open with Earnie Ball Slinky Strings. Amplifiers. Dual Rectifier Solo Thru a Carvin Legacy 4x12 Cabinent and a Peavey Supreme ( the 2 channel new version) thru a Peavey Cabinent. The Dual Rec had 2 channels, we alternated between with slightly different gian and eq setting, the peavey had just one setting we used. We would record each guitar thru the dual rec and the peavey at the same time and then do another take thru the same 2 amps with the other channel on the dual rectifier. The Mesa head thru the carvin cab was miced on axis about 3 inches from the outer edge of the cone with an SM57, that signal was then put into the JoemeekVC3 with a slight boost on the highs and a slight cut on the lows. The Peavey rig was miced off axis with an SM57 about 1 inch from the outer edge of the cone, that signal was sent into my Octopre which was also set as the digital clock. Both preamps were set to just barelly before clip. The dampening control on the peavey was set to loose to get a looser low end tone. I then covered the peavey cab with 2 moving blankets. I didn't cover the mesa at all and put it about 1 foot off of a wall in a 250 square foot not square room. Both Cabs were sitting off of the floor on milk crates to decouple them. Most of the signal you hear is the Mesa but without the peavey it doesn't sound as fat. This was the setup for all the dirty guitar parts for our whole cd, I couldn't tell you for sure which guitars we used but I'd say mostly the v and the fernandez. Part of the big tone is that while the 2 main guitars are playing the chordal progression in standard root, five, octave chords, there is 2 more guitars playing a root, nine chord, and a third guitar part playing a counter harmony the background vocal also mimmicks, it is very monotone and is mixed very far back but you can hear it if you listen(this is during the chorus only) The Bass was a fender p/j tuned C G C F, played thru an imp directbox into the octopre with light compression then I added some more compression, used maxx bass aggressive but turned the max bass signal down a bit. The guitars also had a small cut in the high mids around 2.9khz. Drums were a beta 52 in the kick, an ADK 51 TL about 3 feet from the resonant head of the kick with a tent built around it. Snare was an SM57, toms were 57's, hats were an audio technica atm857 and overheads were ADK CS1's. All drums were tracked without compression thru the octopre. That's the scoop for now. If i left anything out or you want to know more just ask. Thanks again!


IntelDoc 10-04-2003 07:40 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Nope that is what I was after! Thanks! Getting ready to record a new band and wanted some ideas...

Thanks man....


badperson 10-04-2003 08:36 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here

very nice job on those guitars. I'm going to print out that description and hang onto it. As for the vocals I think they sound good, I agree with the other comments, but it sounds like you're doing everything you need to be doing. Listen to some of my stuff if you want to hear ***imperfect**** vocals.

Actually I've just got to the point where I'm taking singing a little more seriously and doing some simple warm-ups everyday, and practicing.
What kind of pre's do you have?
Keep up the great work.


badperson 10-04-2003 12:15 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
here's one more;


It's a short one, just guitar and vocals.

I had a lot of trouble getting a sound I liked. Does anyone have some good tips for vocals and guitar?

Due to the rubato feel of the song, recording vox and guitar separately wasn't an option. I used an ntk, about two inches above my mouthand 18 inches away from me, angled down to get both guitar and vox. Actually, it didn't sound bad just like that, and if I were going to add any other instruments, I would have left it at that.

Then I also had a rode nt1a, and I could not for the life of me get a sound I liked. I tried it very close to the guitar in a number of positions, I'm pretty sure I was obeying the 3 to 1 rule to limit phase, but summed to mono, they sounded like s***. Very boomy, a lot of mids, no good at all. They sounded best panned hard left and right, but that put the vox too much to one side, and too loud.

I then experimented with the nt1a about 6 feet back. Better, but not great. I ended up having it about two feet from the 12th fret. I think there are probably some phase problems, but they were mitigated in the mix.

In the mix, I left the ntk dry, but cranked the verb on the nt1a. The ntk is about 50% right, and the nt1a is almost hard left.

I think it sounds a bit wet, but ok.

Also a couple minor performance things I'm not thrilled with, but minor enough that I probably would have made it worse with editing. Hmmm.....

Please let me know what you think.


wakeangel 10-04-2003 08:07 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
i'd like to post some of my stuff but don't have a clue where to start. any suggestions would be apprecciated. thanks

Jay Terrien 10-04-2003 08:36 PM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Post as much death metal as you can!!! Any music with lots of lyrics that depict pigeon sacrifices, the New York Rangers having ANOTHER losing season, or Rush Limbaugh's latest heartfelt no-no are fodder for this board.

Bass solos for me please..........

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