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IntelDoc 01-19-2006 10:08 AM

TBR Stuff
Have not posted a song on here in god knows how long. This is something that has been on here a long time ago, but was in the works at the time. We retracked the guitars... added some solo stuff and then tracked drums. I am happy with the drums for the most part. Very acoustic sounding and all my kit for once. No sound replacer stuff. Floor tom is a tad low for my taste but he liked it. The vocals need to be retracked completely as he is out of tune a lot on the holds, but that is typical on his style. This is a stem mix as I am awaiting the bass parts from my session player. Should be a few days. Then I will dive into it heavy and tweek some parts, get rid of the click on one part that comes through ever so slightly.

The guitars were all through the Apex 435's and mixed in with the TLM-103 some too. I think? Cannot remember. All into the API 3124 though. Here was the setup:

Guitar - Seagull Signature series - great guitar!!!
Apex 435 mics
Nuemann TLM 103
API 3124 preamp

Rode NTK - Vintech 1272 - 1176 - Apogee - Pro Tools

Drums: 1985 Gretsch 7 ply mahogany
Kick - Audix D6 - Vintech X73i
Kick 2 - Yamaha Subkick - Vintech 1272
Tom 1 - 421 - API 3124
Floor - 421 - API 3124
Overhead Ride - APEX 435 - API - Distressor - APOGEE
Overhead Hat - APEX 435 - API - Distressor - APOGEE
Hat - Oktava 012 - Trident S20
Ride - Oktava 012 - Trident S20
Snare Top - SM 57 - Vintech X73i
Snare Bottom - SM 57 - Vintech 1272

Used Trueverb with custom setting across the mix

Lexicon PCM-90 with custom setting for drums and vocals
Eventide H-3000 on analog delays for vocals and guitars with custom sends each

All and all I like the sounds, hate the vocals for now but like the rest.


Ocean Thoughts - New TBR mix


superpenguin79 01-19-2006 11:47 AM

Re: TBR Stuff
Hey Doc, good to see ya back man! Mix sounds great, I forgot about the Apex 435's and mine is stuck away in my mic cab at the moment. I have been using an Oktava MK219 for most acoustic stuff which comes out very warm sounding. Wanna do the grill mod one of these days. I should mix it with the 435 and see what I get. hehe Anyways man, nice work on the new mix of the Herrington track man! I am digging the all acoustic sound for sure. Drop me an e-mail and give me a shout sometime man! peace

IntelDoc 01-19-2006 12:09 PM

Re: TBR Stuff
I lurk on here.

Have not used the 219's but have a pair of 319's that I rarely use anymore. The 435's just do it for me.

Thanks for the listen. Will get in touch soon.


badperson 01-19-2006 12:19 PM

Re: TBR Stuff
hey doc,

great sound. I like the arrangement a lot. Great crisp, clear sound. I'm pining to update my converters this year...but you have a great sounding room as well. The drums sound really good.

great job.

IntelDoc 01-19-2006 12:28 PM

Re: TBR Stuff
Thanks BP. Once the vocals are tracked AGAIN and the bass is in there I think it will flow nice. We did the drums in pieces. Some parts are good, the march is kinda cheese, but it fits I guess. If he could hit the notes on his voice it will gel, but I have some ideas for that to work that I will try later. Reheaded the drums with clear Evans G2's on tops and G1's on the bottoms and love it. This was a stem mixed session, but pretty close to the real full mix. Very simply mastered to get levels. I am hoping to convince him to have it professionally mastered to really make it sing.

Thanks though! I am really happy with the kit sound. Used the 421 for the longest time, but then all of a sudden one day I threw the D6 back in and it just worked. I think that and the old 1992 Lalapalooza shirt in the kick is what did it. Gotta have the relic in the kick.


Gene Backlin 01-19-2006 05:34 PM

Re: TBR Stuff
Good stuff Doc !!

Thanks for the detail too

Take Care,

IntelDoc 01-19-2006 07:15 PM

Re: TBR Stuff

Thanks for the detail too

Do that for you bud... you know it!


Shawn Ames 01-20-2006 01:14 AM

New song...
Hey guys... I dug out some stuff I recorded back when I first got my 001 2 years ago, re-worked it a bit and posted it online... let me know what you think...

<a href="http://www.myspace.com/corbanartist">Corban Artist</a>

It's the second song in the list... Diligence - Absent Seeking

Yea... be mean.

Shawn Ames
corban artist

Dee Mac 01-20-2006 03:49 AM

Re: Let\'s hear your latest stuff....right here
Hi guys,
Updated the website with all Hi-res MP3's recently (with broadband's coverage decided to ditch the dumbed down versions allowing more samples). Go to Audio section/samples page for a listen. Constructive comments most welcome.

See: www.studiograff.co.uk


Gene Backlin 01-20-2006 04:58 AM

Re: TBR Stuff


Thanks for the detail too

Do that for you bud... you know it!


I know Doc, and it is greatly appreciated !!!!!

Without it I would be as confused as someone, let say..... uhmmmmm..... all bent over by a you know what

Take Care,

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